Wardrobe Wisdom: How to Develop Your Signature Style
Have you ever considered how people perceive you when you walk into a room, and how they describe you when you walk out? If the answer is yes, you are aware of your personal brand and, as a crucial part of that, your signature style. Your personal brand not only encompasses what you wear, but also your body language, what you talk about, your voice quality, and how you present yourself.
Knowing and being true to your signature style is a strong starting point for developing your personal brand, and will help you feel comfortable and authentic in your clothing. ‘Signature style’ is more than a buzzword for celebrities and influencers; it’s an important part of curating your wardrobe, and the first step to building a distinctive identity.
The first thing to consider is what you want your style to say about you. Is the aim to exude an air of professionalism at all times, or do you want to keep people guessing with an eclectic mix of pieces? It is also fine to, at this point, be unsure of your goals.
“Create your own style… let it be unique for yourself and yet identifiable for others.”
If you are unsure what your style is (believe me, it’s a hard concept to pin down!), a great first step is to create a mood board on Pinterest. Use fashion blogs, style icons and social media for inspiration, and pin items you are drawn to. When you’ve created a collection, look through it for common themes. Perhaps you’ll see clusters of sharp, tailored pieces, or maybe the theme will feel more relaxed. Identify which colours and patterns you have been pinning; were you drawn to nudes and earthy tones, or did brights and florals resonate? When you’ve identified these style elements, you can start building your signature style.
Just as important is to work out what is NOT your style; eliminating what is not you will help to uncover what is. This process is a crucial part of personal branding, ensuring that you remain consistent with your style choices. Eliminating items that don’t suit you, or fit your vision, will lead to a cohesive selection of clothing that combines your chosen fit, colour palette and accessories. This is your signature style and is recognisably you.
Now for the shopping! Purchasing with intent is a key part of building your signature style. We want everything in your wardrobe to fit your brand. To help with this, write three words that reflect the style you have created on your Pinterest board. This can encompass not only where your style is now, but also your aspirations for your signature style. Each time you pick up a piece in a shop, consider if it is consistent with these keywords. Also assess the quality of the item you are purchasing. Well-made items and high-quality materials are key to feeling comfortable and carrying your signature style with confidence.
“Fashion is about dressing according to what’s fashionable. Style is more about being yourself.”
As eloquently stated by Oscar de las Renta, the concept of ‘fashion’ will have no bearing on your signature style. Building your own style from the ground up is the key to a wardrobe that works for you for many years to come.
To help you curate your mood board, here is mine for inspiration.
Click to access Jane’s Pinterest board and to view in more detail.
I’ve centred it around my three words: modern, comfortable, and chic. What I love includes trainers, neutrals over colours, trousers over skirts, and easy-to-wear pieces that aren’t restrictive. What I don’t love includes anything bohemian, high heels, lace and frills, overly trendy items, and over-accessorising. I hope this inspires you to start your own. Why not drop me an email and let me know how you’ve got on.
If you need help to plan or develop your own signature style, I can help. Contact me and I’ll guide you through the process, from planning to shopping and styling
or alternatively you can access FLOURISH, my online community and my free online course “Understand and Develop your Signature Style”