Confidently Apply Your Workplace Make-up
/“Bosses admit they would discriminate against women not wearing make-up! *”
Creating a polished yet natural, enhancing make-up look in preparation for your working day could have an enormous impact not only on your own self-confidence but also on how others perceive and interact with you on a daily basis.
For many this is a controversial topic and when I present on it at workshops it sparks a variety of responses (from the audience) ranging from... "Don't be ridiculous, we (women) should be able to wear as little or as much make-up as we like when we go out to work", "I never wear make-up to work, I don't have the time", to "I would be too embarrassed not to wear make-up when meeting clients and colleagues... have you seen the dark bags under my eyes from lack of sleep!" However, I would argue that wearing a polished, natural make-up look - one that conceals well and enhances the 'windows to your soul' ( - your eyes!) - is vital!
The next step is to decide upon how heavy your make-up should be and this is going to vary by the industry you work within and, just as importantly, your personal brand. A fabulous reference point for this is the article "This is what make-up shaming at work feels like" that appears here on the Refinery29* website. They "broached this topic with people in a variety of fields and found that for some, wearing a full face of makeup is not only considered beneficial, it's regarded as vital — resulting in anything from better networking opportunities to bigger tips. But in other industries, placing too much emphasis on your physical appearance is not considered professional." This is something that I experience time and time again when I'm meeting people for the first time, whether that's at a networking event or whilst working at a wedding, as invariably people 'expect' make-up artists to be fully / heavily made-up... and I'm not! A lot of this perception, of what I should be wearing, comes from what the public see make-up artists (working at beauty counters) wearing - everything from full-cover foundation, to blusher, to fully sculpted eyebrows, to highlighting and contouring, to a bright lipstick. I believe this 'difference' has worked to my advantage... you could argue it's become my USP (unique selling point) - it pays to be different, and when developing your personal brand this is key!! For me it's about being an individual, about being authentic and about feeling comfortable and confident in what I'm wearing (not just make-up but also clothing) and so the make-up look that I work to achieve is what I would describe as 'natural', as that's my style preference... I like to feel comfortable in what I wear and I like my own make-up to be easy to wear, easy to apply (especially given, as a working mum, spare time is in short supply!) and radiant.
As a minimum I would suggest applying the following make-up:
eye primer, eyeliner and mascara
a good base - light coverage foundation or tinted moisturiser
correct and conceal with a hydrating concealer
neutral coloured lipstick
enhancing blusher
define eyebrows (if required)
setting powder for the t-zone
So, when considering what make-up look you opt for in your working environment, think about your personal style preference, about being authentic and about your personal brand... but DO wear make-up, as first impressions count for so much in today's face-paced working environment!
“It takes less than 150 milliseconds to form a first impression!”
If you would like to master this all important make-up look book yourself onto my upcoming "Get The Glow!": How To Create A Natural Enhancing Make-up Look running on 24th May at 7pm....
or maybe a one-to-one tailored personal branding session would be more beneficial? If so, give me a ring (07906 505148) and we can discuss tailoring a programme to meet your needs.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic, leave your comments below.