Prom Make-up - Sophie Baker - A-level student
Client: Sophie Baker
Occupation: Student
Service utilised: Special Occasion Make-up Application
I first met Sophie, with her mum, for a one-to-one make-up lesson and then a few months later I had the great pleasure of meeting Sophie again (one afternoon) to apply her make-up in preparation for her Prom that evening.
Prom Make-up….. all ready for the party!
’Before and After’ Photoshoot
Getting past clients back to my studio for a ‘before and after’ photoshoot is always so much fun! It’s not only wonderful to see the person again and hear all of their news but I also get to create a wonderful new look, that’s maybe a little bit more ‘adventurous’, now that they are confident in my abilities to create a look that enhances, not masks, their beautiful features.
Sophie has gorgeous pale, porcelain skin with a natural flush of colour across her cheeks and nose, and a few blemishes. My aim for the photoshoot was to demonstrate how these blemishes and the slight redness under her eyes could be camouflaged and then the eye make-up used to make her eyes ‘pop’ and become the focus of the look. Sophie has fantastic eyebrows - naturally dark in colour and of great thickness (- no over plucking, yay!!). So, all that was necessary was for me to gently fill in the eyebrows with a dark eyebrow powder and to tame any stray hairs into the perfect shape to frame her eye shape. No false lashes were applied, just mascara.
Sophie is a natural at posing for the camera, as I’m sure you’ll agree…
Neither of the above photos have any filters or editing applied to them.